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Walking/Photography Group

The Learning Community secured funding from Bassetlaw NHS – Green Social Prescribing to create a Walking Group with the added bonus of Photography and Editing sessions. The project was run between February and September 2022. Altogether we had 39 people attend the sessions, some just attending the walking group and some just attending the photography sessions whilst others attended a blend of both.

The prime objective was to get people suffering from poor mental health and wellbeing out and about, enjoying the beautiful green and blue areas that Rotherham boasts.

Referrals came from multiagency pathways to include Rotherham Social Prescribing Advisors and Link Workers, RUSH, Self Referrals, Probation Services and GP’s.

Here are some pictures of a group from RUSH attending a walk around the stunning Manvers Lake at Wath Upon Dearne in Rotherham. After the walk we had a photograph editing session where walkers used tablets provided by The Learning Community to edit some of the pictures they had just taken and learn about composition and blending pictures.

Karen Shaw, CEO of The Learning Community attended with Ian Bruce, The Learning Community Walk Lead and we had a wonderful afternoon with attendees from RUSH.

At the end of the project we chose 2 winners who were each presented with a Camera, certificate and framed winning picture.

First Prize went to Sammy Winstanley from RUSH and Second prize went to Dominic Barrett who was referred through the Rotherham Social Prescribing project. Neither had used a camera before and certainly never done any editing so were thrilled to have won and continue to use their cameras take more beautiful pictures that they can now edit using the new skills which they have learned.

The group enjoyed the sessions so much Karen has applied for further funding to enable the groups to continue as the benefits to improved mental health and wellbeing, reduced social isolation and increased digital skills as well as a new found appreciation of local green and blue areas is visible to see.

Feedback from participants include:

Wow, I can’t believe that I have won. This has made me want to get out in beautiful natures more and look at taking pictures of things I never thought of before”

“Thank you so much. I love my new camera and enjoy my walks with Ian very much. I would still be stuck in my flat if I hadn’t joined these walks”

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